Case Studies

Jewish Community Center of
San Francisco
I facilitated the business, program, and facility planning to revamp this venerated institution. The JCC went from precarious to pioneer, becoming a national model of success, building and operating a new 240,000 square-foot facility funded with an $85M capital campaign.
"For over a decade, Cynthia partnered with the board and staff in a series of projects to develop a new mission, vision and strategy; engage stakeholders and staff in defining program needs and facility requirements; plan the budget for a new building; and train staff in customer service before opening the new JCCSF. The result was a revitalized organization that welcomed the San Francisco community in a spectacular donor-funded facility."
Sandee Blechman
Former CEO and COO, JCCSF
Board Co-Chair, Jewish Film Institute
Samuel Merritt University
Designed and led strategic, program and facilities planning that grew enrollment and transformed SMU into a nationally known teaching institution.
"I am awe-struck watching Cynthia lead planning processes and facilitate difficult meetings. She quickly grasps complex challenges and their financial ramifications. Able to bring together people with diverse and conflicting perspectives to work collaboratively, she draws out shared assumptions, values and goals, and enables the group to build a plan and commit to its success."
Sharon Diaz
President Emerita
Samuel Merritt University

Greenwood School
As the founders wound down their engagement and financial support after many years, this Waldorf-inspired school needed an entirely new governance system, administrative structure and strategy to adapt and thrive.
"I worked with Cynthia as she led the transition of a small independent school from its founder-led phase to professional administration, redesigned the board structure, and trained the newly formed board on governance. She became the Board VP and Secretary and served on the school’s key strategic committees for over 10 years. Cynthia was solely responsible for leading the entire school through the development and execution of a strategic plan. I have learned much from her. She is a brilliant collaborator."
Danica Remy
Former Board Chair, Greenwood School
President, B612
Rosie the Riveter Trust
As Interim Executive Director, I launched a new phase of growth by building operational infrastructure, setting up policies and systems, training the board, and onboarding a permanent Executive Director.
"Cynthia transitioned our organization from all-volunteer to professionally- staffed. She established office systems and dealt with complex real estate, facilities, and financial projects. She built and strengthened key partner relationships. The well-planned retreats she facilitated moved our strategic plans forward and prepared the Board for its governance role and the Trust’s transition to a permanent Executive Director. We valued our time with Cynthia."
Diane Hedler
Board Officer
Rosie the Riveter Trust